Monday, April 10, 2006

Thanks from Cary Valdes, Caminos Ministry

Joe Leier is an excellent worker and blessed our church by building a bridge needed to connect the two buildings. He was punctual and clean. We are blessed to have him, Karen and his whole family as our dear friends. Most recently they added to our blessings by caring for our two oldest teenagers while my husband (missionary/Pastor here in Guatemala) was in the hospital. During that time Joe saw that I was having problems with my radiator and offered to get it fixed. That was a huge blessing because I was driving every day 45 minutes to the hospital, didn’t have time to take the car in to get fixed and was needing to put water in the radiator every time I went to drive it. He, as usual, saw a need and met it. Thank YOU for allowing the Leier’s to be here and bless our family. We love them dearly.

-Cary Valdes

Caminos , Guatemala